CoolSims Hair 60 ~ Converted for all ages!

Hi! I know this hair has been converted before, but I didn't like any of the other versions TBH. So it was my turn lol (and this time the sims blend with the background better than last time! XD)
This is for all ages, toddler and child linked to adult.
The polycount is very high! Around 18000+ polys for HQ and around 9000+ polys for LQ.

Have fun! ^-^

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Itself.
Please, don't redistribute. Give me credit or link back here.
Original hair by CoolSimsFeel free to retexture this hair!



Child and Toddler


  1. Thank's ! It's sooo cute ^^ Love it !

  2. everyday a new post yay ! i liked it . thank you :)

  3. Happy to see a much more better version *-* Thanks Nubie

    Anyway...I thinking make a msn this week :p Your msn is the same that you gave for me in the Anto's Chat?

  4. very nice hair, good job!

  5. Wow what a nice hair. You truly are excellent!!

    Buen trababjo! Mira mi blog por vavor!

    Sorry, my spanish isn't so good! LOL

  6. HI! I really liked this hair, well done!

    I have only problem with it, I don't know if others have it, but I see you use imageshack to upload the images, but my pc has lots of troubles with showing the images here on your site. I don't know if others have the same problems too?
    Maybe you could use another site to upload the images which is faster?

  7. @TumTum: yes, is the same msn :)
    @Beyonce: lol! and I'll take a look at your blog later :)
    @ImageshackAnon: Well, photobucket has that bandwith thingy that locks your pics, and tiny pics deletes randmoly... and I don't know any other image hoster so :/
    @the rest: thanks!! :D

  8. Yayyyy! <3
    I downloaded this hair a few days ago and was mad when the texture was gross... but I loved the hair so I kept it.
    Now everything is ALL BETTER! :D Thank you Nubie!

  9. I really loved this hair ^-^


    That is the link to the user on the exchange that has uploaded your sailor moon stuff. You aren't listed as the creator of content. I am so sick of this type of garbage happening. I wish those little idiots would learn to read & comprehend what they read before downloading items created by other people! Every items that ends up on the exchange was not supposed to be posted there. I thought I would let you know about it in case you didn't already know.

  11. Gorgeous Hair Nubie! You really have a wonderful taste in hairs.

    Also nice work on the new blog. So glad you finally switched over to blogger. This is TinyBear from your other blog. :D

  12. Really pretty hair Anubis! :-) I hate to ask, but can you convert this hair for Sims 2?

    I think the meshes are in the download links. If not possible, then I understand. :)

  13. Edit: I meant Sims 3. Sorry. :B *Same Anon above.

  14. @Sailor Moon Anon: Thanks! and I don't mind because my stuff won't attach to the sim, because I did it with CTU and not with Workshop ;)

    @Cazy Conversion Anon: I'm pretty sure she's converting it :)

    I found these KH hairs on Youtube, could you re-texture them please and thanks? <3

  16. Thank you for all the wonderful hairstyles =D

  17. I loved the hairs, thanks for it.
    Btw, your models are lovely!!
    Can you upload them??

  18. Hey! This is what my hair looks like when I bother to style it! I can use it on my self sim! Thanks!

  19. Hi Anubis! I was wondering if you could tell me where i could get that flowery dress from picture 4 (middle).

  20. this is beautiful!! I love it and thank you so much omg


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.