Hair Channels! ~ New system, good or bad?

Ok, thanks everyone for commenting and voting! ^-^
Now that I know you like both things, I'll try to find a way to mix everything with harmony.  I'll be using my normal highlights system for newer hairs till I finish my idea.
Stay tuned for new updates! ^-^


Hi! I've been thinking a lot lately, and I'm starting to like the adjust shine system for hairs. But I don't want to lose my dear highlights, so I thought, what about having both? I could use the tips channel for the shine, because to be honest, I don't find too much use for the tips, besides from adding crazy colors and maybe adding a little volume.
With the new system, you could add mouch more deepness (with highlights) and volume (with shine)

Lemme show some examples of how this could work:

As you can see, both shine and highlights work really good together.

Here's a comparison of an average black with a crazy-esque fuchsia hair.

As you can see in the pic below, the highlighst are still working, not as good as before, I just need some practice on this.

And this is how the channels are assigned:

If you approve this, the final question would be: do you want shine as highlights, like, for example, Savio does? Or is it ok the way it is? (Highlights as tips would be a little confusing for lots of people XD)

Oh! And if you like both, let me know 'cause I wouldn't have any problems with including both versions: one with tips as tips, and other with shine as tips.

And I leave a poll here, so you can vote.

Thanks for reading! ^-^

What should I do?
Use the new system
Use the new system, but with shine as highlights and highlights as tips
Use the old system, no adjust shine.
Include both please! :D (Old and New) free polls


  1. i think shine is much more better :D

    The ea's highlights is good to make normal people...But i never make normal people, only make perfect cute sexy lovely girls hahahahahahaha XD

    The shine thing is much more good...for dolls

  2. I really like the new proposal, but I will be happy with whatever you go for! (wink)


  3. I prefer the old way, I actually use the tips as well... tips quite frequently, I will say though that the shine way is better for crazy type highlights as the other way looks really ugly if you try to do a blond with brown streaks or something :x


  4. Please stay with the old way or post both, otherwise your converts will be no different then everyone else's. I love that your hairs are so real looking and don't look like anime.

  5. Why not release 2 versions from now on hotshot?

  6. Maybe somewhere in between? I like the shine, but I think it's a little too intense. They both look great, though!

  7. post both please!! I really love the shine, but I also love your trademark natural looking hairs. It's a really nice feature and to be able to offer people a choice will please everyone!

  8. I think your trademark is the natural looking hair, and that's awesome! Maybe it could work with shine on the tips, but please, keep the highlights. There's so many other hairs with just shine, and it's good to have variation x)

  9. Pretty please, both so everyone is happy? :p I use tips a lot so I really really don't want them gone! D:

  10. The best for us is both.
    The best for you is whatever you want.

  11. is this hair ever be retextured by anubis?
    coz i want it ^>^

  12. I prefer the realistic version (no shine). But the shine can look really great for bright colours (albeit more like a synthetic cosplay wig) so it wouldn't hurt to have the option.

  13. Hi, I voted to use both because they're both pretty and so that everyone will be happy. :)

    Um, just wondering... where can you download that hairstyle? Thanks!


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