Peggy Hair 5626 ~ All ages, with accessory included

Hi! Long time since my last conversion. This hair is different, it doesn't have a WOW factor like others. In fact, it's a very simple ponytail, perfect for those moments when your sims want relax, or when they're cleaning the house or gardening. Having a perfect super model hair all the time can be exhausting! XD
The hair is for all ages, females only. It comes with a bow, that it's under earrings section.
All the textures (hair and bow) from the child and toddler version are linked to the adult version.
The polycount it's good: around 5500+ polys for HQ, and around 3400+ for LQ.

Have fun! ♪

Please, don't redistribute. Give me credit or link back here.
Original hair by Peggy
Feel free to retexture this hair!

Child and Toddler


  1. Lovely! Where could that sun flower-accessory be found? :)

  2. I love this hair just d/l it for my toddlers and children but unfortunately the hair is bugged in my game. The bow shows up fine but on the child its blocky and gappy and on the toddler they are bald :( don't know if a recent patch has effected them as I have only just d/l them

  3. @Anonymous:
    By Lemonleaf I think !?

  4. Hi, Nubie! :D 1 question: I saw someone use this hair, but on a MALE. They said it was a gender conversion you did, but when I searched here and at MTS I couldn't find it (unless I accidentally skipped over it :P ). :( Where, please, is the link to get this gender conversion?

  5. Obviously too late for the person originally asking, but here's the link to a gender conversion for this hair on MTS by Arisuka for others who stumble by and are curious:


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