Raonjena Female Hair 009 ~ Fixed, Converted for children and Retextured by Bon

Hi! I had this hair in my pocket for a long time, and it's time to share it.
I've fixed the LOD's and added the ones that were missing.
The retexture is not by me, it's by Missbonbon
And I forgot to put the original website in the pics again! >.< Oh well, next time :P

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion (Age conversion is mine)
Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to Raonjena and to me.
Original hair by Raonjena
Retexture by Missbonbon



  1. Ooh I love this hair :) (Saw it from your helpful comment on MS3B.)

    May I ask where the child's hoodie is from?

  2. thank you for the comment on MS3B, now I can download this beautiful hair!


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