Peggy Hair 627 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages and both genders

Hi! Sorry I missed this one, I've been busy the last two weeks (mourning, because my mother died) but I'm back! And I hope you like this retexture because the hair is really cute :)
Oh and I reached the 300th blogger followers! Thank you! :D

~ This retexture works for all ages, Adult is #627 and Child/Toddler #626.
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!
Enjoy! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.
Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to Peggy and to me.
Original hair by Peggy

EA's Highlights

Female Only

Male Only
Child and Toddler
Adjust-Shine Highlights

Female Only

Male Only
Child and Toddler
Model credits: 
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / Imminent Fate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks and blush by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020 
~ Clothes by Liana / The Store


  1. oh my, its terrible to hear about your mother!!!!! D: I just hope she lived a very fufilled life.

  2. Heyy, sorry to hear about your mother... My condolences to you and your family at this hard moment. :|

  3. Your mom died? D: So sorry. Obviously 300 blogger followers isn't much of a consolation, but they are following your creations for your talent and kindness. Congrats, and apologies. Hope you'll get over the loss OK. :)

  4. Sorry to hear about your mom. I wondered what happened to you. I was hoping you didn't quit making cc for Sims. I'm glad to see you back.

  5. I'm sorry for your mother. But she wouldn't want to see us all grief for too long. She wants us happy. And though, I do not know you, I can see your heart is good and that would already make her life full of love. It always hurts me to hear someone die. Though I do not know them, it will hurt. And to so many, this is true.

    I wish your whole family well, I hope they smile with happiness and enjoy life.

    And, as always, a wonderful retexture. I didn't even like the hair before this.

    Wishes to you & your entire family, and your friends.

    Candy Lover ♥

  6. Anubis, I am terribly sorry to hear about your mother, especially since you're so young--you're still a teenager!

    You do so much for the community and you're so kind...I hate to see bad things happen to good people.

    I just want you to know that I LOVE this hair and I am totally glad you did it. I did my own version of adjust-shine and yours looks so much better! I'm immediately downloading it.

    Again, thank you for everything you've done and my condolences go out to you and your family. May you have strength, peace, comfort, and hope in such a trying time and may things get better for you - sooner than you expect!

  7. Anubis I am so sorry to hear about your mother *big hugs*

  8. Aww, I'm sorry about the loss of your mother. :(

  9. I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. :(

  10. Very, very sorry to hear about your mom. Take care of yourself!

  11. Condolence to you and your family, Anubis. I know how it feels, I loss my mom at a young age. What has gotten me through was the memories, the things she taught me, and the anecdotes that keeps her close to me, always.

    Hope that helps you through it all too.

  12. I am so very sorry to hear about the loss you have suffered. I grieve for you that even though you are a young man, you have to bear the tragedy of your mothers death. I am sorry for your mother that her life was cut short. My condolences to you and your family. I hope you find a little comfort in knowing that so many people around the world [in this community] admire and respect you and that you are in our thoughts at this time.

  13. I know you probably get tired of hearing it, but I sorry to hear of your loss. I know how it is, we (my family and I)just had my grandmothers funeral today...well actually yesterday since it's pass midnight here. You and your family have my condolences. It will be hard, but know that you have people that care for you. We don't know each other but you have my love and I really am sorry for your loss. Big Hugs P.S. I love your work!

  14. I am sooo sorry to hear about your mother passing! :(
    words cannot express how painful that must be.
    my heart & prayers go out to you.

    i love all of your retextures and this is one of my favorite hairs so far! i believe i have every single one of your retextures haha!

  15. I'm so sorry for your Loss. :[
    Thank you so much for your re-texture.
    I appreciate your re-textures so much!!

  16. Nubie im very sorry to hear about you mother passing, my condolences and rely on your family to get you through. Love and Hugs

  17. I'm sorry about your mother :( I hope you will be fine quickly. I lost my father 2 month ago and I'm still sad I loved him so much.
    Big hugs from france we love you!

  18. I´m so sorry. Condolences to you and your family. :(

  19. Thank you all for your kind words, I really appreciate it! :)

  20. sorry to hear about your mom, god bless and luv ya and ya fam!

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I extend my sympathies to you and your family.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I can't imagine how difficult that must be. My condolences to you and all of your family.

  23. So sorry to hear about your mother's death - my condolences and thoughts are with you. Both my parents are gone - my mother passed away 5 years ago - so I have an idea of what pain you may be feeling, but everyone's pain is different. Grief is awfully hard to deal with, but it does get easier to live with over time.... Glad to see you back though, we are all here for you :) (hugs)

  24. ANUBIS! you are one of the creators that inspired me to start doing a blog for my sims and art. =) I think your retextures are beautiful and hopefully I can do it was well as you in the future. I'm trying to learn how right now. ^_^ thank you for sharing your art and creations! I'm gna strive to be as good as you :) =) right now all I can publish are simsies and lots but someday I wna b like you ^_^ sorry if i sound weird ahaha <3

  25. oh also, condolence for your's always horrible to lose a love one. I hope it's ok that I prayed for your mama.

  26. Oh I love the red color, it's really pretty!
    Thank you for these, I don't normally download Peggy unless someone's prettied them up.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. *hugs*

  27. Sorry to hear about your mum!!!

  28. I can't imagine having to lose a parent at such a young age, I hope you are doing as well as you are able. If you decide you need to stop creating, playing, or blogging about sims until much further down the road no one would blame you. Death is never easy & I imagine that losing one of my parents, even at 35, would be the most difficult thing only second to the death of one of my children or my husband. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  29. I'm a longtime fan of yours, Anubis. And I just want to say how terribly sorry I am for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family <3

  30. Mi pésame para ti y los tuyos, lo siento de veras.

    Un abrazo Anubis.

  31. I am sorry about your mother. I know how important she was in your life.I believe we are passing for a sad moment right now. My father passed away last week. I spent eight days in the hospital with him. We spent a lot of money for nothing maybe. I had the opportunity to say good bye to him. I wish you comfort and support from all your family and friends. They are going to be in our memories always.

  32. Sorry about your mother. xxxx

  33. I've been following you for a long time and I must say I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. I've gathered that you are very close to your family so I hope that they are there to help and support you. I hope than things continue to get better and than perhaps knowing there is a community of people who support you can bring you some comfort.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. You and yours are in my thoughts.

    Your sims creations are amazing.

  35. I am ever so sorry to hear about your mother - it wasn't something I was expecting to see on here, but I think it's really admirable that you are continuing to blog but also tell people as it'll do nothing but help :)


  36. Oh my god I feel like an awful person for asking you about the medieval group now! I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, my condolences to you and your family :(

  37. So sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you feel better. May she rest in peace.

  38. Nico, me entere lo de tu mama.. no lo puedo creer y no te puedo explicar lo que senti al leer eso.. Me encantaria hablar con vos... los amigos nunca se olvidan y las cosas buenas que pasamos lo ameritan.. te quiero mucho Nico.. y espero que aceptes hablar conmigo.
    Sé que no estás de ánimo pero hay veces que es bueno hablar.
    Te quiero Nico.
    Un beso.

  39. That's such sad news about your mother...
    And thank you for still coming back to the website and uploading more beautiful hairs. It can't be easy...
    with love,

  40. Fuerza Nico! Pasé por lo mismo no hace mucho y se que todo lo que te podamos decir no te devolverá a tu mami, pero tené la plena confianza de que ella está y estará SIEMPRE con vos y para vos.
    Solo cerrá los ojitos y buscala en el rincon más preciado de tu corazón. Te quiero, amigo!
    Rocío (SX)

  41. Nicolas, muchos animos! Se que no es fácil perder a su mamá, yo ya pase por eso. Fé que todo estará bien. Besos

  42. its really sad to hear the news about your mother. so sorry man. :(

    love your creation. take care

  43. Anubis! Keep on doing great CC stuff. Gracias!

  44. Anubis...keep on creating nice CC stuff...I know it's too late to say this, but I know your parent is in a better place now.

  45. Thank you for another beautiful hairstyle! Sorry about your mother <3

  46. Sorry about your mother <3

  47. So sorry about your mother ;( <3

  48. So sorry about your mother ;( <3

  49. I'm SO sorry to hear that, but I LOVE this hair! Thanks so much


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