NewSea's Only You Female Hairstyle ~ Pooklet'd for all ages

Hi! I know I said I wasn't going to retexture any NewSea hair but... they're so pretty to miss them! Anyway, you have to know that the meshes are NOT included, so you need the original or else this retexture won't show up in your game.

~ This retexture works for all ages.
~ Hair mesh polycount: 11.9000+ polys (high)
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!
~ MESH IS NOT INCLUDED! You can get it here.
~ Hair retextured with NewSea's permission.

Enjoy! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.
Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to NewSea and to me.
Original hair by NewSea
MESH IS NOT INCLUDED! You can get it here 
How to install? Extract the files into your Mods/Packages folder. If that doesn't work, please follow these instructions.
EA's Highlights

Child and Toddler

Adjust-Shine Highlights

Child and Toddler

Model credits: 
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / Imminent Fate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks and blush by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020 
~ Clothes by The Store


  1. I really like that burgundy red hair color. Its beautiful.

  2. ... NO WAY! Thank you sooo much <3

  3. thank you! thank you! thank you! <3

  4. You should do retexture NewSea hair - even without mesh !! I have oryginal so no problem !! I love your hair !!

  5. Nubieee <3 i love your hairstyles!!! they're perfectly amazingggg when are you releasing the rest of your models btw? :)

  6. Anubis ...
    I would love you to post the download of this model blonde with golden eyes, she's my favorite ...
    I've tried to do it in the game but never got it.
    I look for the post, and I am very grateful to you for being so special in my world ♥
    Kisses and hugs!
    Lucas, from Brazil.

  7. I LOVE all of your hairs, but recently they've all been high poly. My game just can't handle hairs like that. It already takes 7-10 minutes to load a game file. I know you don't take requests, but I just wanted to ask if you could pretty please do a few lower poly hairs? Thanks :)

  8. Oh, this hair are so cute! I really love it!

  9. I wish this wasn't a subscriber download on TSR :( I love Newsea's hair, but I can't afford to subscribe, cause I go on TSR so infrequently.

  10. i would love to have this but i can't afford to subscribe the TSR to get the mesh :( oh well!

  11. You should really work with NesSea !!

  12. to get the mesh, go to the booty. :)

  13. ^^^ yupp its called Only You :D

  14. I have this installed but only Newsea texture is showing. Help?

  15. @Anon: Try cleaning your cache files or follow these instructions:

  16. I did as you suggested above and it still didn't work. :( Your retexture files go in which folder?

  17. @Anon: my retextures go into your Mods/Packages folder, or if you are using aWT's method into your Mods/Override folder :)

  18. Hey, I've got a question about this hair. First, srry for bad english, i'm from the netherlands and so bad in english but ok. Yesterday I download this hair for my toddler and child and open the file with UnRarX (for mac users). I'll drop it in mods/packages, but it isn't in my game? I download two versions: EA highlights en Adjust-Shine highlights, but none of them work, and I drop it in the overrides map, but even it doesn't work.. Is there some reason or I am doing something wrong?

  19. Did you download the original version by NewSea? If you don't install that version first, mine won't show up in your game.

  20. Oh, no, don't. Sorry. I didn't know you need the original version.. But... Can you get this hair somewhere for free? I don't pay/donate for hair, but I really want this hair.

  21. I TOTALLY love the style & texture for this hair!!!!!!!


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.