Peggy Hair 651 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages and both genders

Hi! This nice short hairstyle by Peggy, that I can tell looks really good for both female and male sims! And I personally like how the Adjust-Shine Highlights look on this one, what do you think?

~ This retexture works for all ages, Adult is #650 and Child/Toddler #651.
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!
Enjoy! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.
Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to Peggy and to me.
Original hair by Peggy

EA's Highlights

Female Only

Male Only
Child and Toddler
Adjust-Shine Highlights

Female Only

Male Only
Child and Toddler
Model credits: 
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / Imminent Fate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks and blush by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020 
~ Clothes by Liana / The Store


  1. Great work as always Anubis! :)
    I love this hair, especially on men - it is a little bit too high, but I think I can deal with that xD

  2. Wow Anubis. You really do make hair look tons better. This like usual, is an excellent re texture. My favorite texture is you adjust shine texture.

    Keep it up Nubie! ♥

  3. YAY! A hair that is AMAZING and NOT a pay item or high poly!

  4. Amélie , Amélie , I love you soooooooooo much !
    I want you, I'm being crazy without you , Anubis please , upload Amélie I love her , she's so cute , and is my favorite model !
    I love your cute and perfect blog , and I love the cute model Amélie !
    >>> Upload Amélie PLEASE !!! <<<

  5. Anubis, could you write the polycount on all the hair you retexture? Thank you.

    But about the retextures --again, amazing and you make the hair catch my eye were as the original was some other story...

    Thank you!

  6. I'd like to include the polycount, but I can't open any of Peggy hairs with the tools we have (CTU/S3PE/Postal/TSRW) so it's impossible to check the polycount. Sorry!

  7. This looks so much better than the original. I probably wouldn't even have Peggy hair if it weren't for your conversions.

    And I saw some of the awful comments made over on My Sims 3 Blog. The trolls is the reason I never go on that site anymore. You think the author would actually monitor what kind of stuff he allows on his site.

    Either way, just ignore them. You know what you do is awesome. ;D

  8. Seriously, your hairs are amazing! You make ugly hairs beautiful. hehe.

    I was wondering though, how can one tell which pictures show the EA highlights, and which show the adjust shine highlights?

  9. @J: They won't let me down, in fact, they kinda amuse me XD

    @Anon: Thanks! And only the last two pics show the "Adjust-Shine" highlights. In the last one, Megan is using EA's highlights and María's Adjust-Shine.

  10. ^ haha I know. It really makes me wonder what they're doing in their lives. Or who the person on the other side of the computer actually is. Must have a pretty boring life to go randomly insult people on a Sims blog. XD The worst part is that none of them can even show who they are. They have to hide behind an "anonymous"

  11. I adore this hair. Thanks for cleaning it up!
    Also, I've always wondered: are your child/toddler models the same as your adult ones or are they specially created?

  12. I bet they are aged down of the regular models. Let me guess celeste as the toddler and amelie as the child? Am I right? Am I right? Also I was glad to see how light hearted you were with the trolls. I had quite the giggle reading all of that. Good for you kiddo :)

  13. Hi, Nubie :)
    This is a beautiful retexture, and it's similar to my hair IRL so would be perfect for my self-sim :)

    You make Peggy's hair so much better. It's a little high/pointy on the top of the head, but that's certainly not your fault. Great job, as always ;)

  14. i just don't know how in the world i can ask you this.
    Is there any possibility of you making retextures but in holy format of sims3pack?
    Your work is indescribable .

  15. I wish I could, Mixiko, but I can't. With Peggy hairs it's impossible :/

  16. Nubie, I have been wondering...what eyes are you using on Maria? I know its not the same as when you uploaded her on MTS, and I just have to know because they are beautiful!


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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