New Layout!

Hi! I've finished my new layout! :D
I decided to go a little more formal maybe? I've always loved victorian patterns :P
I could finally add the random-banner-pic effect I wanted, so every time you visit any part of my blog, the banner will change! ñ_ñ

Hope you like it and Happy Easter! ^-^


  1. Loving the new design! Your models are BEAUTIFUL!! I love all of your work. :D

  2. Hahaha, that is so amazing! The picutres are so cute. I really love Megan's.

  3. i love it and i love megans! can you send me the link for her when you have uploaded her ? xxx

  4. Ooh! All your models are really gorgeous. All my Sims usually end up looking pretty much the same, apart from the obvious exceptions of skin color, hair color, and eye color. I really have to work on that, especially with my male Sims...

    Anyway, I already asked this but I'm asking it again: what program do you use for your retextures? I sort of remember a post about this way back when you were on LiveJournal, but I don't really remember much else. I hope I'm not being annoying, but I'd really like to know!

  5. love them <3 Happy Easter for you too :)<3

  6. I had no idea that the banner changes until I came in here to leave a comment! It's really cute and a neat idea :)

    I got Hikari and Cindy <3

  7. I really like it, but I'm still in love with the old theme!

  8. Thanks everybody! :D

    @spindleberried: I use Gimp for the textures and s3pe/Postal to replace everything with my retextures :)

  9. I got Cindy and Hikari. So cute!! Also I love love LOVE the color, its my favorite!!

  10. So nice! I love the pattern you use, too, especially the fabric texture of it. Of course, it helped that I got Megan, my favorite of your models, lol.

  11. esta hermoso :D

    PD: porfavor me gustaria muchisimo que convirtieras esta malla a los sims 3 Gracias!!!!

  12. you are so creativ !!!! sometimes i´m stunning when you changed the style and i love the new style, the banner is sooooo cool :D

  13. Since you changed the site, it's been loading really slowly for me and it scrolls really slow too. Like if I try to scroll up or down either with my mouse wheel or by grabbing the bar on the side of the screen, it moves much slower than it used to. I'm using Firefox if it matters.


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.