aWT's Gift Hair Mesh #003: "Mitts" ~ Pooklet'd and Alpha Edited

Hi! aWT made this hair a few days ago and I loved it, but I wasn't really fond of the thin look it had. I've alpha edited the bangs and the rest of it to make it fuller :)

~ This retexture works for teen-to-elder.
~ Hair mesh polycount: 12900+ polys for High Quality, 12000+ polys for Low Quality (high)
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!

Happy Simming! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

Adjust-Shine Highlights

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.

Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to aWT and to me.
Original hair by aWT


EA's Highlights


Adjust-Shine Highlights

Model credits:
~ Skintones by Aikea / LemonLeaf / 234jiao / Ephemera
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / ImminentFate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Sims 3 World Adventures / The Store / RustyNail


  1. Very polished look.

    Good job, Anubis.

  2. Will this replace the original?

  3. @Anon: unfortunately, yes. You can't have aWT original version and mine at the same time, or they will override each other :/

  4. Normally I don't like short hair, but this is great! I love it! Very well done Anubis! (:

  5. This is a really lovely hair - Thanks for sharing

  6. (Group: We want Hikari), H-I-K-A-R-I PLEASE !
    Dear Nubie... I want so much the Hikari, but I want the new version, because she being very more cute... So thanks because your blog is the best, I love you so much, Thank you ♥

  7. @Hikari Anon: Guess what download I'm preparing now? :D

  8. Love this! Love everything you make!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Me likey, a lot.

  11. Beautiful retexture as always :)

    Also, would you happen to remember which of the creators made the eyes you have on the purple-haired girl in the last picture? I can't seem to track them down, though I'm probably missing the obvious.

  12. Hikari anonymous admirer:
    Anubis, thank you for uploading Hikari model.
    I mean you're the nicest person and also gentle and friendly that I've ever met in my entire life, thank you very much!
    I hope your dreams come true, because you realize our dreams as well ... ♥

  13. where have you found the glasses from the red haired model?

  14. Thanks Anubis, its beautiful!! I didn't see AWT's work, you guys are awesome!!!

  15. @DarkVampire: Glasses by LiliSims :)

  16. Can you retexture this: ?
    Your retextures are wonderful.


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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