Everyday Casual Chic ~ Store Set Review

I have to say, I am in LOVE with this set. The clothes are sooo cool and modern! And even the hairs are nice, what's rare from EA... XP
Here are just a few of them, but this is one set worth to download and use use use! :D


  1. does anybody know where i can download this for free as a package file? the free sims3packs never work for me

    1. ninoosims at tumblr
      click at the goodies page

  2. Is it possible to retexture EA's store hairs? Because I don't think I've ever seen them.. And WOW! This set actually looks good (I never thought I'd say that!) LOL! I especially love the first two hairs!! <3

  3. I might try to retexture the hair with the braid, but I'm not sure if it would look good with Pooklet's textures :/

  4. Wow, this set is amazing! This is really odd for EA... xD

  5. Wow!! That would be cool! I wasn't trying to make it sound like a request though.. You don't have to! I'm sorry! :-)

  6. Mind telling me where to download this for free? In package form..

  7. they look good on your sims :)

  8. Did you buy it from the store?...
    and you a mod,the't called pose player,right?..
    i was try to install the't,when i get in to my game i click on the black thing...i don't know how it called,so when i click on thet,thets just move the black thing,i don't know what to do...:\

  9. I have the same problem with the pose player... ;(

  10. How i can change the textures of existing roads in CAW?

  11. oh Eddie ... XD

  12. Does anyone know where to get this set for free?? Please help me :D


  13. Nubie, have you watched the new video for Judas yet? XD


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. download from this site-

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @Anon & Eddie First, obviously place the pose player in the game. Then go into Live Mode, click on the pose player, then input the poses code name. For example: a_thanhmabo_pose009. You'll need to have the pose packs installed as well for the poses to actually work.

    The man's jacket reminds me of Liam Gallagher from Oasis xD

  18. I have to ask you something, Anubis, can you PLEASE put Megan up for download? I'd love to have her in my game!

  19. Anubis!! I love this pack too! I just have one question... Where did u get those sunglasses in the 1st picture?? cuz i really like them haha

  20. Holaa anubis360; te hago una consultita?? no me podrias decir como es qe se hacen los blogs estos asi de los sims, porqe yo me qiero hacer una para publicar mis creaciones y qe la gente se descargue cosas tambien, ¿ como haces ?
    te dejo mi mail si qieres para explicarme mejor : dolores_mir_10@hotmail.com
    Graacias :3 es lo mejor este blog me descargo toodo jaja

  21. ¿Anubis habla Español?

    Ah sí, es de Argentina, lo acabo de ver. ¡Que padre! Un hermano Latino que es uno de los mejores creadores de Sims 3. ¡Muy bien! :D

  22. The guy... Is GORGEOUS ! (not his clothes thoug xD sorry :P)
    I'm dying.

  23. @Anonymous that posted the MATY link, I've downloaded the set and installed it but it says I need the newest update. The problem is I already do ... can anyone help me?


  24. cookie!!-
    download the unblock sims3pack!!

  25. TG_SIM3PACK_Unlock**

  26. Don't you think this set is one of the best EA has done? I do!

  27. I still can't find how to install this pack ( it says I need latest updates, but I have), can anyone help?

  28. Hello(: Ehm, can anyone please tell me where I might find this set free download in Package form? I have tried at MATY and I found none of the Sims3Pack files worked. I would install them through the launcher, they would work perfectly (seemingly) and go into "Installed Content" (or something to that effect). I would go in game, and none of the items would be there. Then I would go back to the launcher and I find that the items are OUT of "Installed Content" and it is as though I had never installed them.
    Either a .Package download or a solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    Sorry for such a long comment, by the way :D

  29. I really really really love the set, but I'm sooo hoping to get the hair and clothing for free someday. :) Hoping you can retexture the hair.

    Love ♥ x

  30. I managed to install the set. Thanks to some post on the Sim 3 Forum !

  31. @MissLauren, I have had this problem before. What I did was go into my documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3. Delete the simCompositerCache, ScriptCache, CASPartCache, and compositerCache files. Then, go into your DCBackup folder and delete all files in there. Next, go into your DCCache folder and delete all files EXCEPT for missingdeps.idx. Open the launcher, install fresh copies of these items, open your game and look for he content. It should be there. Hope I helped :)

  32. Thats a bit risky though, it can mess up your game.

  33. Cutepeach,care to share that website that helped?

  34. I'm sorry, I can't, I closed it down as soon as I knew how to do it... and my laptop don't record history. I think I typed in something like, installing sims 3 .package with latest update... Sorry I can't help.

  35. Oh my gosh. I don't think EA has EVER done a set this great. Wow! Haha, I just downloaded the dress in the first picture.
    It looks GREAT on your sims Anubis!
    Where did you get the sunglasses in the first picture? I love them, they go great with the outfit!
    Thanks for sharing(:

  36. Cutepeach,if you can find that fourm i would be so thankful!!!!Or just tell me how to do it(:

  37. yes yes, I'll try and get it. You had to download this program and UNLOCK the pack. I'll see if I can find it. !!!

  38. Can you creat us a long see through bridal veil pleaaaaaaaase

  39. Gorgeous set! It may be just because of the gorgeous models though.
    I wish the EA hair textures were better.

  40. thanks cutepeach!

  41. @Anonymous

    I love you! You're the best :D


  42. Anubis, Bluebird updated on the booty. :) (so hard to contact you I had to go through here, sorry!)

  43. I can't find it on MATY
    Maybe it's just me that is blind...

  44. Nope, I can't find it. SORRY GUYS!!!

  45. I absolutely agree with you, Anubis. This set is just wonderful Thanks for the head's up. I didn't know about the set until to poked in here.

  46. Does anyone know how it's called on Store?
    I can't find it ;(

  47. Where can i find it?? It's wonderful...

  48. For anybody looking on the store for this set, it's called Everyday Casual Chic. Go to Sets>Modern Luxury>Everyday Clothes


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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