NewSea's SpotLight Female Hairstyle ~ Pooklet'd for all ages

Hi! Newly released hair by NewSea, perfect for all the sim super models out there! :D

~ This retexture works for all ages.
~ Hair mesh polycount: 12000+ polys for High Quality, 5000+ polys for Low Quality (mid high)
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!
~ MESH IS NOT INCLUDED! You can get it here (or here)
~ Hair retextured with NewSea's permission.

Enjoy! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.

Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to NewSea and to me.
Original hair by NewSea
MESH IS NOT INCLUDED! You can get it here (or here
How to install? Extract the files into your Mods/Packages folder. If that doesn't work, please follow these instructions.


EA's Highlights


Child and Toddler


Adjust-Shine Highlights


Child and Toddler

Model credits:
~ Skintones by Aikea / LemonLeaf / 234jiao / Ephemera
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / ImminentFate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff Pack / The Store / The Sims 3 Late Night


  1. You are so fast. I see this now in my sims 3 blog and you have retexture Wauuuooo!!!

    Hello Anubis this is my post of a sim, if you want to download you can:

    Thanks you!!!

  2. One of the links for where to get the mesh does not work. :(

  3. @Anon: the secondary link it's not up yet, wait a little more :)

  4. This is super adorable hair ^^
    Thanks Anubis :)

  5. from whaere did you get thet,TRS?....

  6. Nubie, Hi :)...
    I am sooo fan of Hikari, but I love so much the "new Hikari", you edited she, and her be so bealtiful, I love love love her, can you upload it for me, and all of other fans (I know have a lot :D) please?
    I wait for your response, huggies ♥

  7. Anubis I like so much your blog, and... May I can have the download of model Hikari, she is so cute and adorable, and I want her haha, I wait for the download ;)

  8. Excuse me, Miss Anubis, what is the different between EA shine and adjust-shine?

  9. @Anonymous from May 18, 2011 11:25 PM:
    Anubis is a male... xD

  10. is there a site i can download your hair in sims3pack ?

  11. :( i love all the hairstyles by NewSea but she uses meshes that you have to be a subscriber to get. help? D:

  12. @Anon: You have to suscribe or wait until it show ups here:

  13. These don't work on an iMac? I've been trying to unzip them, but it's just not working :S

  14. The mesh is up here now:

    @sassy_kyss: I'm on an iMac and .rar files are windows based so you need an app to unzip them. I use a free one called UnRarX. Once its installed just double click the .rar file and the app will do the rest.

    @Anon: The difference between EA shine and adjusted shine is about how the highlights show up. EA shine is the default in your game and its kind of like thin stripes. Adjusted shine is the highlights you can see in these pictures and imo its way better.

  15. Oh how I wish this hair would be balanced better. I think the right side sticks out too much to look realistic and pretty on a sim. Oh how I wish someone could fix that.

  16. I download this beautiful hair, I unzip them with rar but I don't find it in the game! tel me why! ;D I have windows xp.

  17. @Anon: you have to download the mesh first, else it won't show up in your game :)

  18. Sorry to bother you...

    I tried the adjust shine highlights and then the EA highlights (not at the same time) for Baby Face and Spotlight. Only the originals by NewSea showed up in my game, none of the retextures. Would you be able to offer any insight, please? Thanks.

  19. @V: Clean your cache files (Go to "My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3" and delete the files with "cache" in their names) or use aWT's method I've linked to below the pictures :)

  20. Thanks for pointing out the link to me. The standard procedure did not affect anything. Editing the Resource.cfg file was the only thing that helped. It's a really good idea, straight forward and makes sense and I wish I'd thought of it before. It might've helped me in similar situations prior to this.

    Thank you for the hair. I much prefer the retextures over the originals, as they have too many very dark areas that can't be lightened past a certain point for my taste. Thanks again.


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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