Peggy Hair 7662 ~ Converted for teen-to-elder

Hi! I couldn't believe myself when I saw this beautiful, natural and FREE hair by Peggy! But of course, it was borked: eye slider issues, bad bone assignments, horrid texture, missing lod's, no morph states, etc. I re-converted it from the Sims2 version, and now it's much more usable than before! :D
Once again, I've added a custom scalp what increases the filesize, but you can always use the Compressorizer to reduce it :)

- This hair works for female teens, young adults, adults and elders.
- Two versions available: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine highlights (you can have both at the same time)
- The polycount is mid high. Around 10000+ polys for HQ and 5900+ polys for LQ.
- Both package and sims3pack formats available.
- Compatible with morph states and the breast slider.

Enjoy! ^-^
(Click the pictures to enlarge)

~ Adjust-Shine Highlights ~

- I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Itself.
- Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to Peggy and to me.
- Feel free to retexture this hair!
- Original hair by Peggy



EA's Highlights

PACKAGE: Mediafire // zShare
SIMS3PACK: Mediafire // zShare


Adjust-Shine Highlights

PACKAGE: Mediafire // zShare
SIMS3PACK: Mediafire // zShare

Model credits:
~ Skintones by Aikea / LemonLeaf / 234jiao / Ephemera
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / ImminentFate / -Shady- / TeruK 

~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by Modern Sims / The Sims 3 Generations / The Sims 3 Outdoor Living / The Store


  1. I missed you and your hairs <3333

  2. Oh and tank you so much for sims3pack! I choose to use sims3pack so I can keep my CC minimal. If I had package I would download everything!

  3. Amazing as always, Anubis! This is exactly what I needed for my latest Sim. Hopefully you're recovering well from your surgery! Be sure to take it easy and thanks again for your fantastic work.

  4. Gorgeous. Thank you for fixing it.

  5. Haven't seen the original hair of Peggy, but this looks GREAT! :)

  6. You really do work magic, Anubis. This is gorgeous! Thank you so much!

  7. Yay! Glad to see you back in action :) Great job on the hair, its beautiful.

  8. When I saw this hair on peggyzone I thougt: Anubis will fix and retexture this hair and then it will be beautiful. My wish has come true! Thank you!

  9. r there sims to download on yr site?

  10. @Anon: Some of my sims are here under the "sims" tag and I have one model in my MTS account :)

  11. Yay! Grabbed it. Thanks Anubis.

  12. Anubis, its so beautiful!!! Thank you so... much!! XD

  13. I wonder sometimes if Peggy just releases borked hair knowing that you or another person is going to correct it? That would be sad...but I'm so glad that we have you all that can fix the borks and make them beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!<3

  14. How do I put this in my game? NEWBIE ALERT!

  15. @Anon: you have two options:
    - Download the package format and install it in your Mods/Packages folder.
    - Download the sims3pack format and install it using the launcher (I recomend this option if you have never used CC before)
    Let me know if you need more help! ^-^

  16. Mmm... It's amazing. Very simple but cute. Thank you for your work.

  17. Amazing, Anubis. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible creations with us. :)

  18. You are definitely one of the best Sims 3 creators in the whole community. Thank you so very much for your hard work! :)

  19. I found a slight problem - I downloaded the .package, and it turned out great, however when I applied it to my minimal fat and big breast girl, there is a HUUUGE gap between the hair and the girl's chest. If I adjust the size of the breast, it just keeps floating over it. The gap does get smaller if I raise the girl's fatness level, however the problem is still there.
    Please fix! Thank you!


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.