Exclusive downloads for Facebook fans!

Don't forget to visit and like my Facebook fans page to get exclusive previews and downloads!


  1. That's not really fair to those that don't use Facebook like myself. I've just heard too many negative things about the security on there, plus I don't want to go on Facebook since I don't want my ex (who tried to kill me) to know what town I'm living in. Can you sign up with a fake name or just a username? I've never really looked into it.

  2. @ShortyBoo: many users have sims accounts and real accounts on Facebook. Most of the people who liked my page use their simming accounts.

  3. don't worry shortyboo you don't need a facebook account or need to like anything to download it, it's right here http://www.facebook.com/notes/anubis-under-the-sun/exclusive-download-coolsims-female-hair-43-converted-for-teen-to-elder-requested/233542746690831


    nice conversion anubis, although I wish anto didn't put that curly thing at the back :/

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. in old comment was a typo, soz!

    I meant: What FONT do you use. I'm desperate for it! lol

  6. No thank you. Some of us would rather *not* use Facebook.

  7. You know, guys, instead of complaining to Anubis about being unable to get onto facebook to download the exclusive content, you could enjoy what he's provided us with already. :(

    Love your creations, Nubie! <3

  8. Hi Anubis! May I ask what the hair is on the bottom left of the picture? Thanks. :)

  9. (my english is not good i'm german)
    good idea and where do you get the scene hair in the picture?

  10. @hummel:

    Everything is exclusively for download at Anubis' FB Fanpage, my dear. :)

  11. You know, it might be best to not assume that a disinterest in Facebook is "complaining" Some people do have very good reasons not to use it.

    That and you never know when Facebook will decide to purge accounts that go against their Terms of Service, which any and all non human accounts do.

  12. lol what's wrong with facebook? If you just didn't like it much then I'll shut up. However, if you couldn't use it because you don't know how to use the privacy settings doesn't necessarily mean they have a security problem. Plus you don't need to fill in any of the real information if you didn't want to.

  13. May I ask where I can download the hair is on the bottom right of the picture? Thanks ;D


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- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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