About the LemonLeaf's Custom Content...

Hey guys! I know many of you have been asking me for LL's stuff, where can you get them, if I can share it, etc. LemonLeaf has decided to share her stuff at GameSir because of the problem she had with a TSR artist, and most of the occidental simmers are unable to access to that site (me included). You must know I am NOT going to upload ANY of LL's creations on my site or include it with my sims. If you need it, have to get it from GameSir or else register at SimsCave and download it from their forums (it's free and safe, don't worry)

Have a wonderful day! ^-^



  1. Thank you very much =)

  2. I really respect you for doing this. It's nice to see creators so respectful of other creators. :)

  3. Yeah, I posted the link on your FB-Page. But you knew it, right?

  4. I can't see any stuff from LL at simscave. However, stuff from LL can also be found at M&T sims, which also seems to be a chinese site. There you can find some lipstick, hairs, etc from LL. I find gamesir a bit difficult to understand.
    I understand the reason why, because of that nasty stuff with pralinesims. Oh well, maybe babelfish will help.

  5. Where do I find LL stuff at simscave? I want to try the makeup again, as I'm really getting bored with what I have now, but I don't want to join a gazillion sites to find it ;)
    And yes, this is Cinderemma (from MTS) again, if you're wondering :)

  6. You don't have to join a gazillion sites to get LL stuff, you have just two options: SimsCave or GameSir (good luck joining this one XD) LL's creations are here at SimsCave http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=24012.0


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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