CoolSims Hair 97 ~ Retextured for teen-to-elder

Hi! Many of you have been asking wich hair is Cindy using in my banners, I decided to retexture it so everybody can find it easily! There is a little problem with the mesh, the texture looks a tad blurry at the top, but this is an issue known by Anto, and he told me he couldn't fix it. Anyway it's an awesome mesh! ♥

~ This retexture works for teen, young adult, adult and elder female sims.
~ Two versions available: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine highlights (you can have both at the same time)
~ Both package and sims3pack formats available.
~ Polycount is incredibly high. Around 18000+ polys for both HQ and 13000+ polys for LQ. 
~ Breast slider compatible, morph states not supported due high polycount.

Happy Simming! ^-^

(Open the pictures in a new window to enlarge)

WARNING: Don't download this hair if you computer is slow or graphic card is old!

~ Adjust-Shine Highlights ~

- I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Itself.
- Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to CoolSims and to me.
- Original hair by CoolSims

Model credits: 
~ Skintones by therewasnothingleft / LemonLeaf / 234jiao / Ephemera
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / -Shady- / TeruK
~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Sims 3 Showtime / The Store / Me


  1. Ohh this is torture -.- I'm downloading this hair asap when I get a new Alienware pc! Gorgeous as usual Nubie :D x

  2. Pretty ^.^ I like the curls in the back.

  3. Wow! This is amazing! Thank you.

  4. Just stopping by to say thank you for all your work! :3 I really appreciate all the awesome stuff here. :D <3

  5. I love this hair, because it looks like mine only longer. I want this hair on myself haha!!

    I am definitely going to download it once I buy a new computer (I do not want to take the risk downloading this on my old computer).

  6. I absolutely adore this hair! It worked fabulously in the latest chapter of A Moment in Time. Everything on this site is marvelous! Please don't stop doing what you're doing! :D

  7. esta super bello este tipo de cabello.... esta muy super tu pagina.... :)

  8. Why does "CoolSims" do such a high polycount hair?

  9. It's a lovely recoloring for a beautiful hair. Thank you!


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

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