Bell Flower ~ Shirt+Shorts Outfit

Hi! It was about time to finally upload this. The shorts are not the best, because you know, I never really made shorts! Or at least haven't in a long time. Anyway, I really hope you like these! The shirt is slightly (really really slightly) see-through. Don't worry, you won't see any private parts, just a little tiny bit of skin here and there, in fact you'll only really see it if you use it in darker colors :3

~ Outfit is under everyday, formal and career categories, for female young adults and adults only.
~ Three recolorable channels, 4 designs included.
~ Both package and sims3pack formats available.

Enjoy! ^-^ 

(Open the pictures in a new window to enlarge)

If you want to use this in your uploads, just link back here.
Please, don't redistribute. Don't re use my meshes or textures without permission.

Model credits:
~ Hairs by NewSea / Nouk (Me) / The Store
~ Skintones by 234jiao / Ephemera
~ Eyes by -Shady- / escand
~ Lipstick, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadow by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by Jessica_2020 / The Sims 3
~ Shoes by Me / The Store / The Sims 3 Late Night


  1. Thank you, you never fail to impress with your creations :) Been waiting for this one, it's beautiful

  2. Beautiful, as always! ♥

  3. Thank you, this outfit is adorable!

  4. es super lindo y delicado al mismo tiempo! gracias nubie ♥

  5. ♥SO pretty!♥ Can't wait to try it out :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks!So pretty and very cool!

  7. Wonderful, Nubie! I love how you make your clothes look so realistic. You have a great talent. :) Definitely keep up this awesome work! I look forward to seeing your future clothes and hairs.

    P.S. Have you ever tried your hand at creating hair? :) I know that you retexture and convert, but I wasn't sure if you ever created a hair.

  8. Me encantan todas tus creaciones, en especial me encanto uno de tus sims que tienes aqui, La Hindu. Me preguntaba si podrias colocarla en esta pagina para descargarla! :*

    1. Esta para descargar desde que la empecé a usar, solo fijate en la parte de Models! :)


- Please read the descriptions and model credits before commenting.
- Do NOT ask for sims3pack versions if not available.
- Do NOT request for hairs/clothes.
- If you have any doubt about downloading and installing custom content, please read my Help section.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.