UPDATED! 12/30/11
This hair had the fat morph messed up, and it looked really bad when used in larger sims. Please re-download, delete old version and re-install the new one. Sorry for the inconveniences! :)
Hi! This was one of my favorite hairs in TS2, but I couldn't find a good version of it for TS3, so I decided to make my own! It's such a cute hairstyle, perfect to wear along summer/spring dresses :)
The mesh is kinda old, so it may not look as perfect as newer meshes, but it is still a great hair! ♥
~ This retexture works for teen, young adults, adult and elder female sims.
~ Two versions available: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine highlights (you can have both at the same time)
~ This is a hair with accessories, it has one recolorable channels.
~ Both package and sims3pack formats available.
~ Polycount is good. Around 5000+ polys fot both HQ and LQ.
~ Compatible with morph states and breast slider.
Have fun! ^-^
PS: File has been Compressorized, let me know if it doesn't work! :)
(Open the pictures in a new window to enlarge)
~ Adjust-Shine Highlights ~
- I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Itself.

Model credits:
~ Skintones by Aikea / LemonLeaf / 234jiao / Ephemera / escand
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / ImminentFate / -Shady- / TeruK
~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Sims 3 Pets / The Sims 3 Outdoor Living / The Store