Smooth Criminal Boots ~ for Teen-to-Elder

Hi! I made these beautiful boots based on the pair Naya Rivera (Santana from Glee) wore in the "Smooth Criminal" song performance in the show. I can't describe how much I like them! They ended up looking great! :D Hope you like these as much as I do!

~ These shoes are under everyday, outerwear and formal categories.
~ For female teens, young adults, adults and elders only.
~ Both .package and .sims3pack formats available.
~ These have 4 recolorable channels, and the 6 designs shown were included.

Have fun! ^-^

(Open the pictures in a new window to enlarge)

If you want to use this in your uploads, just link back here.
Please, don't redistribute. Don't re use my meshes or textures without permission.

Adult Only

Teen Only

Elder Only

Model credits:
~ Hairs by The Sims 3 Nightlife / Me (Peggy) / The Store
~ Skintones by Aikea / LemonLeaf / Ephemera
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / ImminentFate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Sims 3 Pets / The Sims 3 Nightlife / Juliana's Corner / The Store
~ Glasses by Lilisims


  1. Amazing! :) Downloaded :) Thank you Anubis :)

  2. Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! OMG MUST HAVE!!! :D

  3. Antivir says No. Media fire download - virus detected.

    1. Mediafire files are always checked by an antivirus, no viruses in my downloads! :)

    2. in anubis downloads are no viruses, but someday i downloadet something from mediafire, and i had the "federal police" virus. sorry for my english, im from germany

  4. haha...I did say that I love you meshing around, they all result in quite beautiful and useful items like this. Keep up the excellent work.

  5. Just a problem, I often check each batch of new CC with Delphy Dashboard and the boots is disabled because of bad ages, despite it's marked as teen to elder. Can you check that?

    1. It worked fine in my game, and I just checked and it's not marked for child :/

  6. Where did u get that scarf???? It looks amazing!!!!

  7. These shoes are amazing! One question :/ Delphy's Dashboard is showing the package as corrupt: Bad Ages - Child + Adult. Is this an issue?

    1. As I stated before, these worked fine in my game, and I've just checked and it's not marked for child, just teen, young adult, adult and elder (checked using s3pe)

    2. Ah, that comment was not yet visible when I posted mine. Thanks.

  8. Nice boots!! I love it!! Thank you so much for sharing^^

  9. You've been struck by, a smooooth criminal! <3 LOVES!

  10. Could you make a buttonless version, too, please?

  11. Thank you! Can't wait to try them!
    Great job on the mix and match with the clothes, by the way. You always pick the right color for the right outfit.
    Inspirational Nubie :)

  12. They are so cute! Very similar to my own ankle boots. Thank you!

  13. I love your stuff, but for some reason I'm not able to see it in my game. I followed all the instructions correctly :/ Have any suggestions?

  14. These look great Anubis, thanks.

  15. The ones having issues with delphy may have an older version of dashboard...i checked these boots with the latest version and am showing no issues whatsoever.

    Also i wanted to say thanks did awesome on these.

  16. Corrupt in dashboard, is it ok if I fix mine?

  17. ok sorry but with the newest version of delphy dashboard its showing as being corrupt.

    Your gonna want to use this program to check your files not S3PE...

    1. You are a little confusing! XD
      I have dashboard, not sure if the latest version, and yes it says it's corrupted. But I dont know why, because I checked my tsrw files and double checked with s3pe, and everything was fine. I guess the problem is these being marked for teens, YA's, adults and elders in the same file, and that is not usual in shoes, I did not need to create new meshes for teens and elders, adult version fits perfectly, even its morphs.

    2. I try to separate the teen and adult version in s3oc and it no longer shows as corrupted. Maybe you should post both the separate and all-age-in-one mesh version to clarify. Some people like me always trust the Dashboard when it comes to CC as we has had many serious problem with corruption leading to bad saves/error 12 and such so forgive us if we easily freaks out.

    3. Yes! Nubie why don't you seperate the files, and then combine them into one? You know, with the CC meging method? That could work! :D

  18. Thank you for these! Such beautiful boots! @.@

    My sims love them! :D

  19. Gleeee! That was such an amazing episode. And these shoes are fabulous :)

  20. I adore them, they look so well-made! I have tons of your hair retextures in my game, but you should totally make more shoes too. *_*

  21. Ekkkk!!! Love love LOVE THESE!!! my new fave sim shoes :P

  22. I am sure your right but when Dashboard says corrupt i just don't bother with the item as i am sure many others are the same way as well. If you would go ahead and separate it for those of us who do use dashboard as their lifeline..that would be great. If not then I guess I will be one of many who will just do without this shoe in my game.

    1. I wouldn't be so scared of using the "corrupt" file, but there's a separate file now anyway :P

  23. Not sure it is so much being scared cuz i for one am not...but its more those annoying lines of color showing up. Having to read them all and pick the ones which to keep and which not to keep is more then i feel like dealing with so i just delete it all. I think it is more laziness then necessity.

    Oh and thanks for separating it. I would have done it myself if i knew how.

  24. Thank you! They are perfect, I wanted them sooo much! And they work fine to me)

  25. Glad to see some other simmer Glee fan :) The Michael episode is my fav so far.

  26. Love these, thanks! MOST things that say corrupt in dashboard are very bad for the game (unlike a simple conflict), so I am actually glad to see the community take a "corrupt" file seriously. It is a good thing to be "scared" of a corrupt file in our games and to find out why and how to remedy it. I'm glad to see that yours is fine, though. :-)

  27. I don't think I will ever use another pair of shoes in my games!
    I love these. They go perfectly with all my favorite outfits.

  28. Downloaded !!!! I love your creations !! =D

  29. Really cute ! Thank You ! =D

  30. Don't know how I missed this one. It's gorgeous, thank you!

  31. Hey Nubie <3
    Recently I used a program for cleansing up corrupt and conflicting .package files, and I soon found out that these shoes have a "bad age" problem. It stood "Bad age - child adult" on it, which leads to the fact that the shoes are avaliable in childs category too, thus making my children borked X/ If you would fix this problem as soon as possible, I would be SO happy! I have totally fallen in love with these shoes, it would be such a shame if I were not to use them :/
    Please send me a message regarding the shoes on modthesims, my member name is: Lenashan

    Thank you so much for your wonderful creations <3
    - Layla

  32. Where can the outfit in the first picture (all black outfit) be found?


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